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Trying to activate a create recording in production from the Office API Reference | RingCentral Developers is giving the following error: -




"Operation is not allowed"


I have looked on the community and struggling to find why this is occuring.


Martin Dearne

This is a strange message and there is not much solution available in the community.

You can report this issue here to the dev team:

@Phong Vu can also help in his case

I don't recommend to start testing an API which requires active inputs such as the telephony session id and the call party id using the API reference "Try it out" form. You will easily make mistakes if you generate a call using other methods to capture the required inputs and insert them in the form. 1) You may take the wrong call party id. 2) You may login the developer portal where you use the form with a different user while you made the call somewhere else using another user.

Remember that only the call owner (a user in the call) can control the call including start/pause/resume the call.

Hi Phong,

I get the same issue using Postman taking the TelephonySessionId and RingCentralPartyId. I am calling from the production account to sandpit account. On the same call I can get the create recording to work for the sandpit account but not the production account.

I cannot overcome the below: -


"errors": [


"errorCode": "TAS-106",

"message": "Operation is not allowed"




Ok I believe I have worked out the key piece of information here to create recording. It is always required to be initiated on the who is the external and not the agent from internal.

I have just tested the following scenarion

  • Inbound from my mobile to agent on their direct dial - initiated on the of my mobile so -1 in this case
  • Outbound from agent dialer to my mobile - initiated on the of the agent so -2 in this case.

Thanks all for your assistance glad to have got to the bottom of this finally.

I told you in other thread that you have to pick the right tel session id and the right party id. The easiest way to detect and pick the correct one is to check if the parties[0] object has an extensionId

if (party.extensionId != null){
// pick this party's id
