
Why can I not retrieve most call recordings from RingCentral API?

  • 11 June 2020
  • 1 reply

I seem to be having a problem retrieving recorded calls from the RingCentral API for a single customer. Here is an example:

Call log rec:

  "id": "H0U8F6L_Ow1jzUA",
  "uri": "",
  "sessionId": "378036522032",
  "type": "Voice",
  "recording": {
    "id": "1160323997032",
    "uri": "",
    "type": "Automatic",
    "contentUri": ""



  "errorCode" : "CMN-102",
  "message" : "Resource for parameter [callRecordingId] is not found",
  "errors" : [ {
    "errorCode" : "CMN-102",
    "message" : "Resource for parameter [callRecordingId] is not found",
    "parameterName" : "callRecordingId"
  } ],
  "parameterName" : "callRecordingId"


Authorization = Bearer [Auth token here...]
Accept = application/json
Host =
Connection = Keep-Alive


Connection = keep-alive
RCRequestId = 9f89bf92-ac19-11ea-b8c0-005056af128c
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X-Rate-Limit-Limit = 20
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining = 19
X-Rate-Limit-Window = 60
Content-Length = 305
Content-Type = application/json;charset=utf-8
Date = Thu, 11 Jun 2020 19:27:44 GMT
Server = nginx

I have talked to the customer, and they have verified that for this particular call, the recording is visible and playable from their RingCentral portal. However, when our system goes to retrieve the recording via the api, we get the results above. Could this be a permissions issue? This is one example, but we see this happening numerous times across this account, and we are only able to retrieve approx 10% of all their recorded calls. With the other 90%, we get the results above.

1 reply

Userlevel 1

Saying "cannot retrieve most call recordings ..." do you mean the exact same code works for some recordings and fails on certain recordings?
