
Error message inbound font

  • 30 November 2020
  • 4 replies

- I using "Send message API" to sent out bulk message, about greater than 400 message but when I checked inbound message of my another direct number which is one of 400 bulk message. I saw error font.

- I have checked my desktop font, softphone language setting, and check from softphone of sender. But every thing was fine.

- This is sender sender.png

- This is receiverreceiver.png

- Please help me about this problem, thanks.

4 replies

Userlevel 1

What endpoint did you call? What did you mean "Send message API to sent out bulk message". Post some example. Looks like you have some unicode problem.

Userlevel 1

I tried this and it works perfectly. Not sure how you implemented it.



I implemented it same your example and almost all messages are correct, but sometime I got font problem. This problem only occurred at receiver.

Userlevel 1

That is not our problem. The problem is the receiver device does not support that language!
