
Issue of Getting Started with WebRTC Tutorials,Issue of Getting Started with WebRTC Tutorials:

  • 25 March 2021
  • 3 replies

  • Participating Frequently
  • 5 replies

I follow instruction of


$ git clone

$ cd ringcentral-web-phone

$ npm start

When I try

$ npm start

I got following Message:

c:RingCentral ingcentral-web-phone>npm start

> ringcentral-web-phone@0.8.6 start c:RingCentral ingcentral-web-phone

> webpack-dev-server --config webpack.config.js --progress --color

'webpack-dev-server' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.


npm ERR! errno 1

npm ERR! ringcentral-web-phone@0.8.6 start: `webpack-dev-server --config webpack.config.js --progress --color`

npm ERR! Exit status 1

npm ERR!

npm ERR! Failed at the ringcentral-web-phone@0.8.6 start script.

npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm WARN Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install?

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

npm ERR! C:UserslxuAppDataRoaming pm-cache_logs2021-03-25T15_55_48_638Z-debug.log

3 replies

Please run $npm install before $npm start


Please run $npm install before $npm start

I did install 'webpack-dev-server' but when I run http://localhost:8080/demo/ in google chrome the page just like following:

RingCentral WebPhone Demo

<% htmlWebpackPlugin.files.js.forEach(function (src) { %> <% }) %>

Should it have some buttons?

Thanks. or the way I install 'webpack-dev-server' is wrong?

Here is error when I browse:

URIError: Failed to decode param '/demo/%3C%=%20src%20%%3E'
at decodeURIComponent (<anonymous>)
at decode_param (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerlayer.js:172:12)
at Layer.match (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerlayer.js:123:27)
at matchLayer (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:574:18)
at next (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:220:15)
at expressInit (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslibmiddlewareinit.js:40:5)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerlayer.js:95:5)
at trim_prefix (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:317:13)
at c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:284:7
at Function.process_params (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:335:12)
at next (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:275:10)
at query (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslibmiddlewarequery.js:45:5)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerlayer.js:95:5)
at trim_prefix (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:317:13)
at c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:284:7
at Function.process_params (c:ProjectsDemo ode_modulesexpresslib outerindex.js:335:12)
