
Can I text a PDF?

  • 14 September 2023
  • 3 replies

I just spoke to the Ring Central helpline after attempting to text a PDF document. Helpline claims we should be able to text a PDF, however it's now allowing me to do so. I can text a PNG and a JPEG, but otherwise the options are "grayed out" on my laptop, or a pop up message says "this format is not supported." They mentioned issues like overage on our texting, or the PDF having an issue like a virus, both of which don't make sense. Please clarify if this is possible. Thank you!!

3 replies

Userlevel 1

No you can't send a .PDF file using RingCentral MMS.

Here is a list of supported file formats RingCentral supports.

Thank you for the quick response! May want to let helpline know.

Hi again Phong,

Can you please explain why we can not send a PDF via text? This was an old feature that Ring Central did away with and customers have been requesting it, so why is it not being implemented? I found this comment when I was searching for information:

Our company have been using ring central for years, one of the best features was that I was able to send customers their invoices as a PDF in the text messaging. And now this option is gone and since most people do their communication on mobile devises of some sort, faxes are less and less in use. So not only that you removed the softphone option witch I loved,
Now I cannot send a PDF file either.
And it looks like not only PDF was disabled also Excel and anything that is not a jpg or mp3 seriously not cool.
Very disappointing. please allow these option again.
