
{"status":"error","message":"Your request was accepted, however a post was not generated","error":"Invalid Custom payload: no supported fields","validation":[]}%

  • 18 September 2023
  • 3 replies

I am tring to use incoming webhook for spotinst however when i try to test my team channel via curl :

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{"text":"testing"}" my-incoming-webhook-url I get


And also I get the testing in in my group but when we try the real message which is send by spotinst i get error for ex.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{

"subject": "spotinst:notification",

"message": "{"accountId":"act-account-id","resourceId":"smi-smi-id","organizationName":" organization.","trigger_policies":"[spot-Instance Launch Issues]","accountName":"account name","resourceName":"resourcename","title":"Stateful Resume Completed","message":"Stateful resume action completed successfully. Instance Id: instanceid. Instance Type : c5.4xlarge. Lifecycle: SPOT."}"

}' my-incoming-webhook-url


{"status":"error","message":"Your request was accepted, however a post was not generated","error":"Invalid Custom payload: no supported fields","validation":[]}%

3 replies

Userlevel 1

Where did you learn the syntax {"subject": "..."...}?

Here is the example of valid json keys

  "activity": "Force Alerts",
  "iconUri": "",
  "title": "1 force alert",
  "text": "Be mindful of the force"

Hi Phong Vu !!

Actually the logs are send in the same syntax as I mention above by Spotinst with whom we have tie up to manage our spot servers , their json format is supported by other glip channels like slack etc but not by RC.

Userlevel 1

You have to convert it to the RingCentral Team Messaging (GLIP) syntax.

What do you mean ". by other Glip channels like Slack"? Glip is Glip and Slack is Slack.
