
Cannot create meetings in developer sandbox account - why am I receiving [Meetings] permission required error?

  • 28 September 2017
  • 8 replies


I'm using the sandbox account for testing api.

I tried to create meeting using API, but I'm getting this error

[errorCode] => CMN-408   [message] => [Meetings] permission required    I have granted my app the permission to access and update Meetings. but still no luck.  

Also there is not option for meetings in UI too.

8 replies

What is the meetingType that you are trying to create? Could you provide the API request ( including the HTTP body)? 
Please see below Request and Response


curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer U0pDMTFQMDFQQVMwMHxBQURpeTJNM

Request URL

Response Body
{   "errorCode": "CMN-408",   "message": "[Meetings] permission required",   "errors": [     {       "errorCode": "CMN-408",       "message": "[Meetings] permission required",       "permissionName": "Meetings"     }   ],   "permissionName": "Meetings" }

Response Code 403

Response Headers
"date": "Fri, 29 Sep 2017 07:56:45 GMT",
"x-rate-limit-limit": "50",
"routingkey": "SJC11P01PAS02",
"x-rate-limit-remaining": "49",
"content-length": "247",
"rcrequestid": "bd5277fe-a4eb-11e7-a9b5-005056bb594d",
"content-language": "en-US",
"x-rate-limit-group": "light",
"content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"x-rate-limit-window": "60" }
The HTTP method you are using is a GET. 

Kindly refer to this link to see how to 'Create Meeting' using the API's :!/Meetings_%5BBeta%5D/createMeeti...

It's just an example of getting meetings list. I'm getting the same error when try to create meeting with POST endpoint
Userlevel 1
Hi Altaf,

You got that error because your sandbox account is not enabled to access meetings feature.
Can you let us know the type of your account. Is it a free developer account or are you a RingCentral customer/partner?

Kind regards,
I don't even see a Meetings section in my Sandbox developer environment.

Hi, can anyone provide guidance for my account ? I am facing the same error on my sandbox account. Thanks


Hi there, i face the same error, can anyone verify my account (i.e. to see if my sandbx can create meetings) ? thanks a lot

Userlevel 1

Please submit your question by creating a support ticket.
