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Abandoned Call Report / View

  • 2 November 2017
  • 20 replies

We have Live Reports and I was wondering if there was a way (whether Live or in the standard reports) to view Abandon Calls quickly (especially if they are part of a queue) so that they can be called back by an available team member?  Is there a view that can be setup to do this?

20 replies

Hi Aaron,

Will you be willing to join the beta testing of a new reporting widget that shows information on calls in Live Reports? It will allow you to see abandon calls and the caller ID to make a quick call back.

Alexey P. Zhuk

Alexey, We would be happy to be part of that. We want to do whatever we can to help improve Ring Central (we are a software company, as well, and understand the need for good beta testing). Thanks!
Hello there,
We would be happy to be part of this preview.
Yes, we really need this feature in our workflow. One of our key call metrics is around Call Abandon Rate and after we recently switched to RingCentral, we can no longer track that metric. Request you to include us in the beta for the CAR at the earliest pl.

I am in need of this feature.  Can I be included in your beta testing?  Please reach out to me.  Thank you.

Alaine Sine

Abandoned calls need to be included in historical reports. For a queue with simultaneous ring, the "missed" call metric is useless. 
Our organization desperately needs this feature. Are you still taking beta testers?
Is this something that is available now? Looking to create daily reports. Thank you!
If you are still in Beta, we would like access to this product. Thanks
We'd like to participate in this beta as well. We are looking for a report like this. Thanks!
We would like to apart of this beta test.
I really need this feature as well can you add me to the beta too
Any update on the feature availability?

Any update on the feature availability?
Hey Aaron,

Sorry I missed your question! I'm unaware of this type of feature in Live Reports but it might be something that's available with Contact Center. The reporting with that package is quite advanced and can do a lot of things. Something you could ask about :)

Abandoned calls are extremely important to us therefore, I would be interested in participating in the beta test.


Is there any update on this report?

Userlevel 4

Hi Anthony, we're digging information on this.

We are also interested in this. what is the status?

Hi, are there any new updates with this report? Our office would really like a report like this as well.
