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Abandoned calls vs. Refused calls

  • 2 February 2019
  • 5 replies

In performance reports there's a KPI called Abandoned calls (Count of all queue calls that were not answers by a user - includes VM) and then there's Refused (Count of all queue calls that were not answered by at least one user).

This seems the same yet for the last 7 days my report shows 117 abandoned calls and 52 refused calls.

What does this mean?

5 replies

Not 100% sure w/RC, but in most systems that would be a call that rang on an agent's phone, but they (the agent) refused (ignored) it, and the caller should have gone to the next available agent.
So "Refused" mean when an agent hit the reject button on the phone? What happens in a call queue scenario where a call rings to 5 agents, 2 reject it but 1 agent picks up the call? Would that still register as a refused call?
So if a queue is setup to ring 5 agents simultaneously will it then always register a "Rejected" because only 1 agent picked up? Am I understanding this correctly?
Hi Michael, 

Danno is correct. Abandoned calls are from contacts who hung up before speaking with an Agent during the specified time period. Refused calls are the total count of Contacts refused by the Agent. Check out this KB article for more info.
Hey Michael,

"Refused" does refer to if the Agent "Ignores" the call. The Analytics Portal will, essentially, show both pieces of information. The Call was (eventually) answered, but it was also Rejected and by these particular members.
