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Call log times from prior to Daylight Savings Time are incorrect after Daylight Savings Time

  • 18 November 2019
  • 4 replies

In mid-November 2019, while trying to run employee call logs from October 2019 (prior to the 11/3/19 Daylight Savings time conversion), all call times are off by 1 hour (early).  It seems that, after Daylight Savings passed on 11/3/19, any call log reports run after that point, with a target timeframe from before DST, the RingCentral system subtracts 1 hour from each call start time (presumably because we "fell back 1 hour" on 11/3/19).

Isn't your system sophisticated enough to know that DST has taken place, and adjust the call times?  It shouldn't be subtracting an hour for calls being run in a report that took place prior to DST... the calls were at the time they were at, not an hour earlier.

For example... our company has team meetings every Tues. @ 12pm ET.  All team calls after Nov. 3 reflect 12pm ET start for each participant.  However, all Tues. meetings prior to DST show 11am ET start time, which is incorrect.

Please advise and correct this bug in your call log system.

4 replies

Hi Mike, 

This is a bug, I've logged it and escalated to our Service Engineering team. Thanks for reporting this! 

Is there any news on this because my company is experiencing the exact same issue? I can see this was escalated to your Service Engineering team back on July 30th last year and we are nearly a year on with the same bug. We are located in the UK and everything was fine until daylight saving time kicked in in March where the UK clocks go forward one hour. However the raw "StartTime" in the API results are still showing the old time, ie an hour behind. As a result ALL our call log records (displayed in our CRM) are all showing an hour behind. Example I myself received a missed call yesterday at 12.25pm UK time and the call log API is showing that call log entry as being 11.25am. Please advise and correct this bug. Thank you for your help. @Jessica-Community_Moderator

Just to let you know I have tried raising a support ticket for this daylight savings time bug but each time I login (on to raise a ticket I get the following error: "Failed Login - 401 ", just after entering my username and password. My credentials have always worked before. What is strange is I am already logged in here on the Community and use the same credentials on here as I have done on the support page - it should detect that I am logged in already. I assume this error is affecting other people too.

Hello Jessica,

Is there a way to upvote this issue or escalate it? We are experiencing the same problem and would like to be able to map call times to our schedule of support people.
