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Need hourly filters on new analytics to run reports for prime time over timeframe

  • 21 January 2019
  • 6 replies

The new analytics is a step in the right direction, but we really need to have a daily and weekly reports to provide data during certain hours of the day, say 8:00AM to 6:00PM.  I understand you can login and get the data for an individual day by selecting custom filter for one specific day.

It seems kinda normal that one would want to run a daily report (subscription) for "yesterday" with specific hours.  Likewise, understanding weekly or monthly data for prime time should be an obvious reporting requirement.

Right now, the only way I am able to analyze any of this data is to dump the company numbers (the "Calls" now do not report on queues in the export) data and do a bunch of complex excel formulas and pivot tables to get useful KPIs for queues.

In addition, the users and calls reports do not display abandoned calls.  How is one to be able to dive in and find out when calls are being missed?

Am I missing something?


6 replies

Hey Jim, I'm looking into this for you :)
Hi Jim, this may help you get more information about your Queues from the Calls section.

Go to the Calls Tab
Select the Users/User Groups/IVRS/Queues drop down filter
Go to the Queue Tab
Select whichever Queue you need
Under the Queue Calls filter - All Calls

Hello Saadet,

I am not sure what you are trying to point out, but it does not address the original request.

Hi Jim, sorry my previous post was regarding your comment, ""Calls" now do not report on queues in the export) data and do a bunch of complex excel formulas and pivot tables to get useful KPIs for queues." You can get some more detailed info with what I mentioned.

I spoke with the Product Member working on Analytics. Right now you can't subscribe and regularly receive Daily Reports for specific times, however, you can pull them by selecting the Custom Range and Times you want - it's just not automatic, which they are working towards!

Is there a planned fix for this function. I would really like to be able to export hourly and daily stats to manage spikes and forecast?

to echo Jess' comment above... hourly and day of week analytics would be extremely beneficial. Any word on adding these filters?
