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What's the best way to calculate % of calls answered within a specific hold/wait time?

  • 23 January 2019
  • 5 replies

Hi there,

U.S. account here. I was wondering what the best way would be to calculate the % of calls answered within 60 seconds? It is a metric we are now required to report out to the rest of the business.

We download the call log as a spreadsheet and run pivot tables for some of our stats, but while it has a time stamp and shows call duration it doesn't have any data for how long the customer waited before a call either connects or is dropped. Is this something that could be added to the call log or is this data available anywhere else?

Thank you for the help,


5 replies

Hey Phillip, I'm gonna look into this for you

Thank you!
Hey Phillip, looks like this information is available with the Live Reports
Hey there,

Thank you! Do you know if there is a way we could get this data for fiscal weeks or months? Or if we could get the number of calls made or lost in the time period and not just the % and total calls. It gives the total number of calls and the % but not the number of calls made or missed within the time frame, and we don't want to use an average of averages for the week and the month.

We can do some manual math to get a best guess (if we answered 64% within the time frame multiply the total number of calls by 0.64 and round up or down) and use those to record and then add up the entire week's worth of calls answered within and then total calls to calculate the week and month's % but since we are rounding at the end of each day I'm worried it isn't 100% accurate.

Thank you again for your help on this,

Hi Phil!

The Analytics Portal can give you more information :) You can look at Calls and Queues during a specific time range and you can leverage the KPIs to get the specific details you want.
