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Where can I find the raw data used to calculate the "Average Speed of Answer" metric?

  • 10 September 2018
  • 3 replies

My client has asked my company to provide the KPI: "Percent of calls answered by customer service representative within 30 seconds"

Currently the Analytics Portal within the "call details" section you can see how long a call spent in each IVR/queue before being answered by a user, but this information cannot be downloaded to a .csv.

The analytics portal also reports on "Average speed of answer", but currently does not provide its customers the data to make that calculation themselves, where is the transparency in that?

3 replies

Hey Brad, the Analytics portal is quite new so I'm not familiar with all of its capabilities. I'm gonna follow up with the Product Manager who is working on it :)
Hey Brad, have you looked into exporting the Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded to a .csv?

Also, I'm a bit thrown off by your comment, "The analytics portal also reports on "Average speed of answer", but currently does not provide its customers the data to make that calculation themselves,"

Could you expound on that? What exactly are you looking for?

I would like to know about the raw data also...I need to be able to see by the hour why things are happening. REPORTS used to provide valuable data export, the new Analytics has flashy graphs but no value in the export. I have not been able to pull good valued reports since October 2018. I have to provide these to a high level leadership team as well as floor leaders. 

Prefer 1 report that provides all of the information..not 3 different report exports.
