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Calls the user did not make

  • 25 April 2022
  • 0 replies

A user mentioned that she'd received several calls from another user, and when she reached out to him, he said he had not called her.

My first thought was that he had fat-fingered and hung up right away after realizing he'd called her by mistake. I sent her the call logs from analytics, and she pointed out that there were two 10 minute calls with a status of Missed, which is weird. He confirmed that while she is one of the only people he calls (he's fairly new) that he did not call her on those occasions.

(He does have the RC app on his smartphone, and it occurred to me that his kid could have accidentally called her, or that he is somehow butt-dialing her. The 10 minute Missed calls (with no voicemails left) don't make any sense, though.

I'd appreciate any insight...

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