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Performance Reports not accurate?

  • 25 July 2023
  • 1 reply

We have RingCentral set up with an AutoAttendant forward so calls made to our Helpdesk number are routed to the RingCentral number. and from there, the calls are forwarded to the queue to be answered by users. I am noticing the Performance Reports don't show the number of incoming calls picked up by the users, only the AutoAttendant. Calls that come in directly to a user's number are counted or outbound calls made by the user's number.

We need to be able to confirm users who are taking the Inbound calls, is there a way to do this given our AutoAttendant forwarding set up?

Thank you.

Which part of performance reports are you looking at exactly? You have Queues, Users, Calls and Meetings sections. And within them you have different widgets - KPIs, Trend charts and tables on the bottom.
What time frame are you using (not really relevant but helps paint the whole picture)

As I understand Helpdesk is an external number which routes to RingCentral. within RingCentral the call is routed to a call queue, where it is answered.
