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What is the purpose of Live Report licenses?

  • 7 April 2022
  • 6 replies

What is the benefit of purchasing Live Reports licenses? We have multiple licenses that I was told we needed to have, they are not assigned to anyone but users are still able to access the reporting area along with the Live Report dashboard. I assigned myself a license but am not seeing any difference in functionality with/without a license.

Any additional information would be appreciated.

Thank you

According to the KB article above, having a Live Reports License will give Full Access that lets you make changes to Live Reports, such as adding dashboards, setting privacy, adding or removing dashboard widgets, and changing widget settings.

We have 12 licenses but aren't assigned to anyone. Even with the licenses not assigned we can perform all those tasks that you mentioned. When users log in are they pulling from the license pool? If so, are the licenses only in use when someone is logged into Live Reports?

Thank you

That is understood but can you confirm that only one is needed for the group not multiples?

As the KB article above states,

"A separate license is required for each access account. For example, managers must have a license, and each agent who requires monitoring also needs a license."

This means that regardless of what the application will let you do, you must have licenses for all viewers/full access of the Live Reports interface as well as every agent who is part of a queue that is being monitored by a dashboard. Even though the application does not yet enforce a limit, it would be wise to ensure all agents and managers have a license. Hope this answers your question!
Thank you for the additional information. You are probably right - who knows when this might be enforced. We are heavy users of the dashboard to monitor the status of team and call volume and cannot afford any downtime.

We were told live reports was a feature and we purchased the feature. It's not worth it to have to pay for each user that needs to be monitored, nor did our salesman mention this in the proof of concept or purchase agreement. I feel like we've been baited.
