
Users getting the error (session expired. Please sign in), when during the middle of the call intermittently using the Embeddable widget app

  • 29 June 2020
  • 3 replies

Users getting the below attached error (session expired. Please sign in), when during the middle of the call intermittently using the Embeddable widget app (In Production).

Environment: Production

Application Name: RingCentralPOCAccountSSO (Used in Embedded Widget app)

Client ID or App Key: NU0314qLSkC6Fwpt-t8PFg

Seems we are using the Implicit authorization type with only the ClientID given in the Iframe render script given in the doc

3 replies

I am having the same problem, did you find the solution?


I have the same problem, could you solve it?

Can you check this reference once if this helps:

Can you help to check which version that you are using? In early version, we are using Implicit grant flow, which user expire will be expired in 1 hour.
And can you help to provide some logs, screenshot and network HAR file from chrome developer tool to help us track the issue?
