I have three custom rules:
Business Hours (Mon-Fri 8-5)
After Hours
Holidays (list of date ranges)
The Validate Rules shows the first two rules conflicting with the Holidays rule in Called Number and Time. Called number is our main company number so that has to be the same. And of course, the times are going to overlap--a rule that specifies 12/21-1/1 as Holiday is going to overlap the time blocks covered by the other rules.
The instructions to create holiday rule just say to add the rule with the dates. Nothing about editing the other rules to specify the non-holiday dates, which would be a big pain. It seems a rule with specific date would take precedence over one that does not have a specific date. Or we could re-order the rules so the first rule takes precedence, but that's not an option.
Anyone know how to make this work?