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I have three custom rules:

Business Hours (Mon-Fri 8-5)

After Hours

Holidays (list of date ranges)

The Validate Rules shows the first two rules conflicting with the Holidays rule in Called Number and Time. Called number is our main company number so that has to be the same. And of course, the times are going to overlap--a rule that specifies 12/21-1/1 as Holiday is going to overlap the time blocks covered by the other rules.

The instructions to create holiday rule just say to add the rule with the dates. Nothing about editing the other rules to specify the non-holiday dates, which would be a big pain. It seems a rule with specific date would take precedence over one that does not have a specific date. Or we could re-order the rules so the first rule takes precedence, but that's not an option.

Anyone know how to make this work?

Good afternoon,

When you create a CUSTOM RULE, it is either by day/time or by telephone number. But not both.

For example, I created a custom rule for today. I named my Rule / next / Toggle On Date/Time / Scroll down to Thursday Toggle On, then I fill in the time 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM / next / you set up what the rule is going to do based on the time you specified. In my case, I forward our calls to an outside answering service, I Toggle On unconditional / a box will appear for me to enter the number of the answering service //Press Save. You only need to select one option and in your case, it sounds like the Day/Time would be Toggled. @mitch-turner. I word with CUSTOM RULES everyday evening doing business hours of 8:30 - 6 PM because of making sure we have coverage for call forwarding. I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for the info, Wendy. The three rules above (which were set up by RingCentral when we started with them a year ago) have to have both a called number and a date/time. It's only the one number (main number) that they apply to-and those three rules MUST apply to that number only. The rest of the numbers are staff or fax numbers and those don't get the holiday, after hours, or normal business IVR greeting/call flow.

The Validation shows that "After Hours" timeframe conflicts with "12/21/2020 12:00 AM - 1/1/2021 12:59 PM" and also that "Mon 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM", "Tue ...", etc. conflict with that same 12/21-1/1 time period. This is exactly how the instructions say to set it up, and RC project team was who set it up.

@Todd Hill I see that you are frustrated. We'd like to help. Sorry for the delay in our response.

I'm happy to assist you and work with your account manager to address your concerns so that when the next holiday rolls around you don't run into these issues.
Feel free to reach out to me at and I'll be happy to lend a hand.

Turns out this does work as expected and according to the instructions, generally. The problem I had was that the rule was set to route the incoming call to an internal message-only extension. The extension had a holiday greeting on it. When I called the main number, I got a generic greeting, not the one for the extension. What I didn't realize was that the greeting comes from the IVR Prompt (Phone system > Auto-Receptionist > IVR Menus > select the menu for the holidays > Prompt (on left menu), not the extension prompt.

Having not been able to find this answer, I opened a tech support case and it was responded to very quickly. Angelee was very helpful and walked me through all of the above.
