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Speed Dial: No contacts listed under Presence.

  • 14 March 2019
  • 2 replies

Speed Dial: No contacts listed under Presence. When I try to setup speed dial and go to Users and Presence it does not show anyone to choose to add. My name and extension are the only ones showing.

Everyone on your account should be viewable. However, you have to choose "Select a User" on the far right. Depending upon your screen size, this may be off the screen to the right a bit. After clicking on "Select a User", this will then pull up a list to choose from. By default, you are the only person that can be on lines 1 and 2, so that is likely what you are seeing as just your name and extensions showing. I am attaching a view of where you should click to choose users.
Hi Blaire, could you post a screen shot of your Settings? What phone are you using?
