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What is "limited mode" on the Chrome Extension ?

  • 17 November 2020
  • 7 replies

A user keeps having this red button saying "limited mode" with what looks like a refresh arrow on the Chrome Extension. Can't find any documentation on it... Any idea ?



Not sure but maybe referring to limited extension features.. make sure if it is referring something like this:

Thanks Anirban, I had also found this information but in theory, we dont have any limited extensions in our system...

Hi François, I have a user experiencing the same issue. Have you been able to identify a root cause or solution since posting? Thanks

I'm having this problem as well. Still seeking an answer. Like the OP, I don't have a "limited extension" and show the same screen as above.

Make sure the Chrome extension is updated since Chrome is now running the 87.000 version. Also, within the Chrome extension setting make sure what the user's calling preference is set to.

Recommendation : pull up the HAR and Console Logs and see if there are any warnings or errors showing there. To make sure that you do not have anything blocked in chrome.

RC support

@priscilla-casas, for the last month or so I have been seeing the exact same issue on my mac with this google extension in chrome. Prior to a month ago (or so) this was never an issue. Closing and opening Chromes seems to clear it but then usually overnight it shows back up again in limited mode. Very annoying as I have a lot of things open in chrome and closing everything is a pain.

I did notice this occur today when I logged in to my RingCentral extension. I noticed, after closing and reopening, that another message appears to flash right beforehand saying something like "oops there is a problem on our end." and then that the app will update the status when resolved. So maybe this is just when there is an issue with RingCentral/Google and the app that they are working on updating it?
