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Is there an easy way to find out what Ring Group(s) a user belongs to? The only way I know of is to access each ring group. Below is my scenario.

We have seven product specific ring groups that ring key users and seven "overflow" ring groups that calls will forward to if the call goes unanswered by the product specific ring group. The overflow ring group rings all department members. Overflow calls forward to product specific mailboxes which is why there is one for each. Most staff belong to multiple product specific ring groups.

The problem that we are running into is with turnover. If we select the option to remove the user from ring groups then it removes them from all ring groups. We only want to remove them from the product specific ring group(s) since the overflow will always include all users.

To me it would be more efficient to remove a user from two or three ring groups than having to add them back into seven.

Any ideas/options would be appreciated.

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