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Associated with the last software update I have a problem with phones ringing when they should not.

  • 4 December 2020
  • 2 replies

Associated with the last software update I have a problem with phones ringing when they should not. We have three extensions that handle the initial calls and then calls are put through to other desks. All phones now ring despite settings remaining the same. Have checked all settings, rebooted phones. No change.

2 replies

Same problem. Multiple phones from multiple locations cause Superadmin phone to ring. Unable to pick up call at that spot though. Reverse also happening.

Hello @Kenneth Heaton & @Foot, Ankle & Vein Specialists Front Desk Reception! Apologies, are you still experiencing the issue? I would highly suggest opening a case HERE and our tech support will investigate it further. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
