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Remove member/guest

  • 18 August 2023
  • 4 replies

Hello, I use free version at this moment and I cant remove guests or members from my team. I searched in internet but non of the methods shown works. I can block guests but that all.

I tried to find my admin panel:


but there is no option to remove someone

4 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi Kamil, are you currently an admin on that group?

Userlevel 3

Hi - that whole process is currently borked (real tech term) - you can't get rid of a guest without BLOCKING the entire domain of that guest, and it's only for the one user that you are logged in as. It is not company-wide, nor can an admin search the users contacts for this guest to remove.

We've gone a few rounds with tech support over this and gotten no where. The advice was to open an 'idea' and maybe they'd look at it.

Sorry this doesn't help, but you're not alone in this fight. (for logical and clean ui design)

@Mary-Community_Moderator @Becky-Community_Manager


I've been looking everywhere on how to remove/block a guest user.. this ARTICLE should solve the problem but I dont see the three dots or the trash can icon.
I also dont see the Domain allow/block list on Settings>Administration.
See attached screenshots.

Can someone help me solve this? Im a SuperAdmin of the company

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 2.50.14 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 2.53.49 AM.png

It's not showing on my guest contacts who are only invited thru email. They don't have phone numbers associated on their account.
