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Suddently unable to Log in

  • 15 May 2019
  • 3 replies

I've been using a Free Glip account for a few months (I'm the administrator of our little team), but now I am unable to log in from my desktop, Windows 10 app version 19.04.8 (E. 2.0.14) Build 922 (rev. 74530b7). I get either 'RC request failel' or the following message:

The *my full email address* company is already on Glip with a different RingCentral Office account (UID *10-dig #*) than yours (UID *different 10-dig #*). Please contact customer support and provide them with a copy of this message.

Also, tried from browser (Chrome) - same thing. My mobile devices (Android phone, iPad) are still connected luckily!

3 replies

Well shoot! Sorry about this, Beth. I've contacted our Glip Support Team and they're going to create a case and then contact you via email :)
I've been having this problem too, and have been in touch with support.  They have not been able to fix this for me yet.  This is the second time this year that this has happened.
I had a similar issue.  There appears to have been a disconnect between the marketing team "Free Glip forever..." and the engineering team who thought that it was a six month trial.  Support fixed my account once I complained about it on Twitter and promised to get in touch with a final resolution, but never did. 
