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Tracking hours

  • 23 July 2023
  • 1 reply

How to track my hours worked on RC? Our company bases our calculated Time Stamped hours on payroll How can I as a remote agent see my hours worked in real-time or at the end of the day?

1 reply

It depends on whether you are an admin or a standard user. IF YOU ARE AN ADMIN you have access to the analytics portal. I can explain further if you confirm that you are an admin user, since you have quite a lot of options here.

IF YOU ARE A STANDARD USER, the only "easy" way to find out how much you've worked would be to export your call log history for a given time frame, then sum up the Duration column in excel.
This will give you the total call handling time, I believe (including ringing time, live talk, on hold time, wait time in queue for calls received through a call queue).

If you are a standard user, but want to have access to the analytics portal, an Administrator would have to change your role to a Manager/Super admin, or create a Custom Role with access to Analytics.
