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500 Error while getting the call status 'Consult RC Support' error message

  • 7 February 2017
  • 6 replies


Expected HTTP Error: Server error: 'GET' resulted in a '500 Internal Server Error' response: { "message" : "Internal Server Error. Consult RC Support.", "eventId" : "91ca556c-ecbc-11e6-b9d8-005056bb594d" } (from backend) at URL

6 replies

Hello Bryan,

Are you still experiencing this issue please sir?

Have you created a developer support case?

Is the extension you're using configured with either a digital line or direct number, and are you using that number (or one of the extension's phone numbers) as the from.phoneNumber in the RingOut?

Hi Sir!

We did send an email to the developer support team.

We switched to telephonyStatus in webhook but its not very detailed and we cannot find out if the status is inProgress which is in the RingOut group.

We are connecting a call using From 'Sandbox Phone Number' to 'Live Phone Number' in ring central.

Sample code is..

public function ringOut($toNumber) {       
     if ($this->platform->loggedIn()) {
            $phoneNumbers = $this->getPhoneNumbers(); //We are getting the from number in the sandbox acccount
            if (count($phoneNumbers)) {
                foreach ($phoneNumbers as $phoneNumber) {
                    if (in_array('SmsSender', $phoneNumber->features)) {
                        $smsNumber = $phoneNumber->phoneNumber;

            try {
                $response = $this->platform->post('/account/~/extension/~/ringout', array(
                    'from' => array('phoneNumber' => $smsNumber),
                    'to' => array('phoneNumber' => $toNumber)
            } catch (ApiException $e) {
            return $response;

$call = $ringcentral->ringOut('XXXXXXX'); //This is the live number
$callStatus = $ringcentral->getCallStatus($call->id);

So in the updating part we are using setTimeout and calling a php script. $callStatus = $ringcentral->getCallStatus($id) querying status every 5 seconds via ajax.
This is the code for getCallStatus.

public function getCallStatus($callId){        if($this->platform->loggedIn()){
                $response = $this->platform->get("/account/~/extension/~/ringout/{$callId}");
            }catch(ApiException $e){
            return $response;
Please refer to the detailed explanation on mapping the sessionID and call-log and polling for call status for ring out calls here:
