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API Auth Flow - why am I getting account not found errors?

  • 2 November 2017
  • 1 reply

Hi, I've got a sandbox app running. In my auth flow, I've received my auth code and am trying to exchange it for a token.

I have verified that my app is set up to accept authorization code auth flow.

But, when I make my request, I get an

"Account does not exist", "errors" : [ { "errorCode" : "OAU-222", "message" : "Account does not exist" } ] }"

However, I'm using the same client_id as I provided for the auth code, the one listed under sandbox in my app settings. This account should exist?

The url I'm sending the request to:

What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help.

1 reply


Could be perhaps you are using a different sandbox number. Could you clear the cache in the redirect window and use the Sandbox Number that you are assigned to login?

If you are still getting the same error, Could you please submit a help ticket with the following details:

1.) Sandbox Number

2.) App Name on RingCentral

We can take a look at it and assist you right away.

Meanwhile, just to make sure you have followed all the steps to getting a token via Authorization Code Flow, we have demo's in multiple languages like ( JS, Javascript-Express, php, python, csharp, ruby etc ) :

RingCentral-Authorization-Code Flow Demos
