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API to get calls currently waiting in queue

  • 11 August 2020
  • 6 replies

Is there an object that contains the amount of calls that are currently waiting in the queue if all extensions are busy? If not, what is the best way to infer this from the available resources?


6 replies

Userlevel 2

Can you try to call this API on a call queue extension?

I am trying to get this same information and when I attempt to do what you said I get this error "Resource for parameter [extensionId] is not found"

Or is there a subscription event for Call Waiting in Queue? If so what would the filter be because I could not find one.

Did we get to the bottom of this? We're also trying to do this. Can you just count the number of calls waiting to be answered?

I'd also like to know where/if Queue hold time is accessible. If I query the Active-Calls API ( against the queue's ID I see my incoming call in the list but don't see an indication that it's holding or how long it may have been be holding. Are we looking in the wrong place?

I know I'm resurrecting a really old thread. But I just recently needed to do the same things and finally found a method for doing so. When you look at the calls in the ListExtensionActiveCalls for the queue, you then have to take the callID of each call and query against the Callsessions endpoint for that call. From there you can look at the "Parties" and if the last party in there shows as "Proceeding" then the call is still in the queue and has not yet been answered.
