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App to track duration of calls parked in park groups

  • 14 August 2019
  • 2 replies

Does the API provide access to the duration that a call has been parked to a dedicated park location group? If so, I'd like to build an app that helps our receptionist keep track of such calls so they don't languish, since RingCentral does not have any automatic call-back or notification when someone has been parked forever.

2 replies

Userlevel 2

Unfortunately, there is no direct API to capture those data. However, you can implement an app, subscribe for the presence notification with the detailedTelephonyState = true. When you get the telephony event, you can parse the payload to get the telephonyStatus ('NoCall' or 'CallConnected' or 'Ringing' or 'OnHold' or 'ParkedCall'), then log the time to calculate the duration or send alerts to the receptionist etc.

Thanks @Phong Vu, that sounds like it might work. I haven't yet put the time in to learn how to do any real programming with the API -- I'm sure I can figure it out, 40+ years of programming experience on many different platforms. I wanted to make sure it is technically feasible before investing the time to figure out how to do things like subscribe to the event and parse the payload lol
