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Authenticate as "root"

  • 16 June 2020
  • 3 replies

Hi. I am following

Trying to build app that will manipulate address books for all users in the company.

I am able to auth and get a token both in Sandbox and Prod.

But according to the page above, I need to supply

  • a username
  • an extension
  • a password

If I supply the above for my user (I'm admin), I'm able to manage my address book, but when accessing another extension's, I get:

"In order to call this API endpoint for another extension, user needs to have [ReadPersonalContacts] permission granted with extended scope"


  1. What's the best approach to have my App auth, without using someone's personal credentials? Create another extension just for the API (that will incur cost)?
  2. How to resolve the above error? what is "extended scope"?


3 replies

Userlevel 2

The error is missed leading. It should be "not allowed" or "no permission". Even you login as a super admin, you still cannot read personal contacts of other extensions. I think we had a plan to support that but there might be some privacy protection regulation which stops us from implementing the feature.

Thanks. so what are my options to create an app that will sync each user's address book with our own data?

Hi Phong, thanks for your response, this confirms what I was able to do testing your API.

Unfortunately, my company finds that this limitation makes it nearly impossible for org's using RC to comply with privacy regulations since each user of RC in an org will have a separately managed contact list. We need a way for just the privacy/compliance people to "globablly delete" contact information -- but there is no scope we can give that allows them the ability to see other users' contacts.

Please help!
