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Automatic Call Recording

  • 25 November 2020
  • 2 replies

Not sure what I'm doing wrong this time, trying to add extension 1158 to automatic call recording, when running the script below I receive:

ringcentral.http.api_exception.ApiException: Parameter [addedExtensions] value is invalid.

But the documentation tells me to use "addedExtensions"? I get the same error if I try to use "updatedExtensions"?

Specific API call I'm following: Office API Reference | RingCentral Developers

accountId = '~'
body = {
'addedExtensions': {
'extensionNumber': 1158,
'callDirection': 'Outbound'
# 'updatedExtensions': {
# 'extensionNumber': 1158,
# 'callDirection': 'Outbound'
# },
# 'removedExtensions': {
# 'extensionNumber': 1158,
# 'callDirection': 'Outbound'
# }
r ='/restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/call-recording/bulk-assign', body)

Also tried calling using the extensionId thinking it was because I was calling the extension, but it still spits out the same error. Am I missing permissions for this?


2 replies

Userlevel 2

The API takes the extension id, not the extension number (the API reference lists also the extension number as input but that is redundant and not used)

POST /restapi/v1.0/account/1468821004/call-recording/bulk-assign

  "addedExtensions": [
      "id": "1468821004",
      "callDirection": "All"
  "updatedExtensions": [
      "id": "1468823004",
      "callDirection": "Outbound"

Hey Phung,

Thanks as usual for the help.

Using the extensionId instead of the extensionNumber still returns the same error:

ringcentral.http.api_exception.ApiException: Parameter [addedExtensions] value is invalid.

Looking at your example though, the API I referenced doesn't show the [] brackets after addedExtensions or updatedExtensions, after adding those into my body it resolved the issue.

body = {
    'addedExtensions': [
        'id': _unExtId,
        'callDirection': 'Outbound'
    # 'updatedExtensions': [
    #   {
    #     'extensionNumber': 1158,
    #     'callDirection': 'Outbound'
    #   }
    # ],
    # 'removedExtensions': [
    #   {
    #     'extensionNumber': 1158,
    #     'callDirection': 'Outbound'
    #   }
    # ]
r ='/restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/call-recording/bulk-assign', body)

