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Bulk faxing app PHP

  • 6 November 2019
  • 2 replies

Not sure if I'm going about this the wrong way, but I'm trying to create a pretty basic bulk faxing app using PHP - open a CSV file with a list of phone numbers and send to all etc. The basic functionality of sending a fax works fine in my sandbox, but I'm struggling to find more info on what else I need to do, specifically related to rate limits and such. I should also ask if there is already an implementation of this somewhere I can just use - didn't find anything particularly useful on the RingCentral Apps or on Github.

I know there are rate limits of 10 on my 'heavy' call. Is this all faxes, or is this because I have a certain size of attachment? Either way, when I send, do I have to keep track of the limit, and once it hits 10 in 1 60 second period tell it to sleep for 59 seconds, or does the SDK do all of that and it will just continue sending when it's able to? If I do need to keep track of it, how do I get the info out of the response? In debugging, I have been able to see the info like X-Rate-Limit-Group etc, but can't figure out how to do it with code. I've tried things like $resp->_response (but _response is not available to be queried like this), $resp->getHeaders(), $resp -> getHeader('X-Rate-Limit-Limit').
$resp->json() only gives me the _jsonAsObject which does not include the _response object, so doesn't have the headers I need.


$resp = $platform->sendRequest($request);


gives me a blank array.

What am I doing wrong? Is there anything else I need to know?

Thanks in advance.

2 replies

Userlevel 2

Here you go. I give you two options, choose one of those.





$platform = $rcsdk->platform();

$listOfPhoneNumber = [

$index = 0;
function sendFaxRegularInterval() {
  global $rcsdk;
  global $index;
  global $listOfPhoneNumber;
  if ($index < count($listOfPhoneNumber)){
    $request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()
                         'to' => array(array('phoneNumber' => $listOfPhoneNumber[$index])),
                         'faxResolution' => 'High',
                     ->add(fopen('test.jpg', 'r'))

    $resp = $rcsdk->platform()->sendRequest($request);
    print_r ("FAX sent. Message status: " . $resp->json()->messageStatus."
    $jsonObj = $resp->response();
    $limit = strval($jsonObj->getHeaders()['X-Rate-Limit-Limit'][0]);
    $limitRemaining = strval($jsonObj->getHeaders()['X-Rate-Limit-Remaining'][0]);
    $limitWindow = strval($jsonObj->getHeaders()['X-Rate-Limit-Window'][0]);

    $delayInterval = 0;
    if ($limitRemaining == 0){
        print_r("no remaining. panelty
        $delayInterval = ($limitWindow / $limit);
        $delayInterval = ($limitWindow / $limitRemaining);

$startTime = time();
function sendFaxAsFastAsPossible() {
  global $rcsdk;
  global $startTime;
  global $index;
  global $listOfPhoneNumber;

  if ($index < count($listOfPhoneNumber)){
      $request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()
                           'to' => array(array('phoneNumber' => $listOfPhoneNumber[$index])),
                           'faxResolution' => 'High',
                       ->add(fopen('test.jpg', 'r'))

      $resp = $rcsdk->platform()->sendRequest($request);
      print_r ("FAX sent. Message status: " . $resp->json()->messageStatus."
      $jsonObj = $resp->response();
      $limit = strval($jsonObj->getHeaders()['X-Rate-Limit-Limit'][0]);
      $limitRemaining = strval($jsonObj->getHeaders()['X-Rate-Limit-Remaining'][0]);
      $limitWindow = strval($jsonObj->getHeaders()['X-Rate-Limit-Window'][0]);

      $delayInterval = 0;
      if ($limitRemaining == 0){
          print_r("no remaining. wait for next window
          $now = time();
          $diff = $now - $startTime;
          $delayInterval = ($limitWindow - $diff);
          $startTime = $now + $delayInterval;

Hope this helps!

That's perfect, thanks very much.
