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Can I get DeviceId in Telephony subscription events?

  • 14 February 2022
  • 6 replies

I'm using the SDK. I use basically this code to monitor for my extension's calls:
string s1 = "/restapi/v1.0/account/{0}/extension/~/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true&sipData=true";

string s2 = "/restapi/v1.0/account/{0}/telephony/sessions";

// replace the IDs in the above strings (not shown)

await r.PubNubExtension.Subscribe(new[] {s1, s2}, Device.ParseSubscription);

When I receive the events for the calls, I would like to know which actual device (handset) the call is happening on. I've seen in the traces for outbound calls that "DeviceId" appears in the "body.parties[0].from" field but this value doesn't come through the SDK. Also the value doesn't appear to be present (ie in ".to") for inbound calls.

Also, when making a call, then the deviceid is required to make the call (using CallOut)

So my question is:
Is it possible to get the actual device id for the handset involved in calls?

6 replies

What type of device are you using? Today you can only get device IDs for Softphone , Hard Phone devices via Device endpoint

Unfortunately , you will not be able to get deviceIDs for RC App or Web-phone apps .

Thanks, vyshakhbabji. For this scenario, I am using a variety of devices, hence why I'd like to identify which one is used in the call. I'm using RC Phone, WebPhone, HardPhone and Softphone. However, for me, I don't see any deviceIds in the events, except for Outbound calls as indicated and even then it doesn't come through the .Net SDK.

Userlevel 2

The device id is reported in the telephony session event payload only for outbound calls. It is included in the event through the .NET SDK. Here is what I got in my test using the .NET SDK

// code snippet
var eventFilters = new[]
var subscription = await pubNubExtension.Subscribe(eventFilters, message =>

// console 


Thank you, Phong Vu, for your answer.

So, the deviceId is only present for outbound calls.

Will it ever likely be presented for inbound calls too?

Userlevel 2

Unfortunately, there is no device id in any call stage for inbound call. However, I found a workaround solution below for you.

As soon as you get the "Answered" event of an inbound call, call the endpoint to read active calls for that extension. Set the "view" = Detailed to get the call detailed info. The device id is inside the call legs array at the leg with the direction = "Outbound". Some code snippet in Node JS here

subscription.on(, function(msg) {
    if (msg.body.parties[0].status.code == "Answered"){

async function readActiveCall(telSessionId){
  try {
    var endpoint = `/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/active-calls`
    var resp = await platform.get(endpoint, { view: "Detailed" })
    var jsonObj = await resp.json()
    for (var record of jsonObj.records){
      if (telSessionId == record.telephonySessionId){
// sample response
  "uri": "",
  "id": "QE3d-cD9VKkHzUA",
  "sessionId": "777389694016",
  "startTime": "2022-02-17T23:16:51.000Z",
  "duration": 86,
  "type": "Voice",
  "internalType": "LocalNumber",
  "direction": "Inbound",
  "action": "Phone Call",
  "result": "Accepted",
  "to": {
  "from": {
  "reason": "Accepted",
  "telephonySessionId": "s-a0d17932e8d6bz17f09f959f4z73533f0000",
  "legs": [
      "startTime": "2022-02-17T23:16:51.000Z",
      "duration": 86,
      "type": "Voice",
      "internalType": "LocalNumber",
      "direction": "Inbound",
      "action": "Phone Call",
      "result": "Accepted",
      "to": {
      "from": {
      "startTime": "2022-02-17T23:16:51.000Z",
      "duration": 86,
      "type": "Voice",
      "internalType": "Sip",
      "direction": "Outbound",
      "action": "VoIP Call",
      "result": "Accepted",
      "to": {
      "from": {
        "name": "Paco Vu",
        "extensionNumber": "11119",
        "device": {
          "uri": "...",
          "id": "802636634016"

Thank you very much for your help with this.
