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Can I move an App to Production under a Free Tier RingCentral Developer Account ?

  • 17 August 2017
  • 2 replies

2 replies

Here's a question from one of our developers who is building an application using the Free tier Developer Account.

"I have a sandbox app that is validated and promoted to 'production' but I cannot seem to authorize the app using my Production credentials, can somebody help"
Before we answer this question let's look at what differentiates a Public vs Private App in RingCentral :

Public vs Private App's
  • Private  if you are developing an app for your own RingCentral account use;

  • Public  if you are developing an app for many RingCentral accounts.

Public apps require 3-legged OAuth so the password can stay with the user/resource owner and is not provided to the app when the app owner is different. Public apps would need to use the Authorization Code Flow to authorize. 

For a private app, the app owner and resource owner are the same from a company perspective so the password grant which allows the app to access the password is allowed. However, in order to use the Password Flow  to authorize you would need to make sure the app is of the type :
  • ApplicationType private

  • PlatformType Server-Only (NO UI)

So, can I graduate an app under Free tier?

Yes, we can Graduate an app under Free Tier Developer account, provided the :

Application Type = Public 

What if my app is of the Application Type = Private?

If your application is of the type Private then you would need to either:
  1. Upgrade your RingCentral Free tier Developer account to a Paid RingCentral Account:
  2. RC Office Upgrade Plans 

  3. Create a Public App instead

Also thought of adding the reference of different criteria discussed here and here to move the application to production
