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Change OAuth Redirect URI in Production

  • 23 February 2017
  • 1 reply

Hi There -

I asked a similar question yesterday and reached out to dev support. Sorry to flood the forum with questions, but we're trying to launch a new feature ASAP and the issues we're experiencing in sandbox are preventing us from launching.

I mentioned in a previous post that we're beginning to use versioning to support breaking changes: We already have a version of the app that has graduated to production.

I'm still unable to see any data in the API calls Analytics in sandbox mode - we probably made close to 100 successful calls yesterday, and none of them are showing up. Consequently, I'm unable to apply for production.

This is really frustrating, as the only change to the app was to add a new OAuth redirect URI. Is there any way we can make this change happen ASAP? We have customers waiting and this is completely out of our control at this point.

Thank you, hope you're having a nice day.

1 reply

Do you have a support ticket? If so, we can look to expedite it to get this resolved.

If not, please open one via our Support page:
