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Create meeting API - error

  • 27 March 2020
  • 2 replies

We can create meetings successfully when using the main number/extension.

But when indicating the Host ext id we are receiving the following error :

{ "errorCode": "MET-106", "message": "Cannot create meeting. Reason : [Provider internal error]" }

What does this mean ?

This is the request :

{  "host": {    "id": "3045786020"  },  "allowJoinBeforeHost": false,  "startHostVideo": false,  "startParticipantsVideo": false,  "autoRecordType": "local",  "topic": "Test",  "meetingType": "Instant" }

2 replies

Userlevel 2

I think the API reference is incorrect. I got the same error when assigning the host extension id that way. Let me talk to the documentation team.

Meanwhile, this way works well for me. I don't know what programming language you are writing but this snippet is in Node JS

function create_meeting(extId)
    var endpoint = "/account/~/extension/~/meeting"
    if (extId != "")
        endpoint == "/account/~/extension/" + extId + "/meeting", {
              topic: 'Test Meeting',
              meetingType: 'Instant',
              allowJoinBeforeHost: false,
              startHostVideo: true,
              startParticipantsVideo: false
        .then(function (resp) {
            console.log( 'Start Your Meeting: ' + resp.json().links.startUri )
            console.log( 'Meeting id: ' + resp.json().id )

Hi! William, I have faced the same issue, you solve that problem yet? If yes, please help me to solve that. Thank you.
