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Creating / Modifying Users and Extensions?

  • 6 June 2017
  • 7 replies

We'd like to integrate Ring Central with our user provisioning automation. In the Developing with RingCentral documentation it talks about "EditExtensions" and "EditAccounts" permissions, but I'm not seeing any API calls for making modifications. Is this possible in the API?

7 replies

Please login to read the documentation. Some API calls documentation is only available after login.
Hi Tyler, I'm still not seeing any permissions surrounding creating or editing users in the documentation you linked. Looking under the "application permissions."

Is it actually possible to create and edit users via the API?

The documentation I'm referencing is at

Processing account and extensions requires certain permissions, different for each functionality. The permissions are listed so that each next includes the previous:

1. Retrieving account and extension data requires the "ReadAccounts" permission.

2. Modifying extension settings requires the "EditExtensions" permission.

3. Modifying account (including creating, modifying and deletion of extensions) requires the "EditAccounts" permission.

4. Creating new accounts requires the "Accounts" permission.

Can you access this:!#RefModifyExtension ?

As I said, you need to login first.
Nope, that link just takes me to the top of the dev documentation. I scrolled down the table of contents and there's not much under the extension header. Tried Firefox and Chrome, just on the off chance it was my browser. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills... 


You must be enrolled in our beta program to access our beta APIs at this time. Beta APIs are preview releases and subject to change, however, we can provide access to customers with that caveat.

Could you please send an email to the developer support team or submit a support ticket with the name of the application and we would provide you access to the Beta API's instantly.

Perfect, I'm good to go. Thanks!
Is this feature still beta?
