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Creating new extension

  • 8 September 2018
  • 1 reply

I am using the C# API from GitHUB for development. Trying to createa an extension in the sandbox as follows:

RestClient rc = new RestClient(ClientID, ClientSecret, false);

RingCentral.AccountPath AccountPath = RestClient.Restapi().Account();

ExtensionCreationResponse ExtensionCreationResponse = await AccountPath.Extension().Post(ExtensionCreationRequest);

I get: Error message: "Resource not found". What am I missing?

Here is the ExtensionCreationRequest being passed in:

- ExtensionCreationRequest {RingCentral.ExtensionCreationRequest} RingCentral.ExtensionCreationRequest

- contact {RingCentral.ContactInfoUpdateRequest} RingCentral.ContactInfoUpdateRequest

businessAddress null RingCentral.ContactBusinessAddressInfo

businessPhone null string

company null string

department null string

email "" string

emailAsLoginName null bool?

firstName "Anoosh" string

jobTitle null string

lastName "Mostowfipour" string

pronouncedName null RingCentral.PronouncedNameInfo

businessAddress null RingCentral.ContactBusinessAddressInfo

businessPhone null string

company null string

department null string

email "" string

emailAsLoginName null bool?

firstName "Andrew" string

jobTitle null string

lastName "Test" string

pronouncedName null RingCentral.PronouncedNameInfo

extensionNumber "102" string

hidden null bool?

password "XYZabc4" string

references null RingCentral.ReferenceInfo[]

regionalSettings null RingCentral.RegionalSettings

roles null RingCentral.Roles[]

setupWizardState null string

status "Enabled" string

statusInfo null RingCentral.ExtensionStatusInfo

type "User" string

1 reply

I cannot figure out the issue. Could you please the sample request here:!#RefCreateExtension and compare it with yours? Did you specify the email address?
