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Dev Test RingOut to my home phone

  • 3 September 2020
  • 2 replies

Within the RingOut website, I was able to make a sample RingOut work, and it rang my home phone. However, when I POST the RingOut API request using Postman or my own custom app built using Lazarus and FreePascal, I get an "In Progress" response... but my home phone doesn't ring. Is this a problem with my code somewhere, or is it an intentional limitation of the "platform.devtest." environment, and the production RingCentral platform will actually ring my home phone?

2 replies

Userlevel 2

RingOut works on sandbox and production. I believe that there is something wrong in your code. But I can't see so can't say what and why.

Check out the dev guide getting stared code in other programming language here and try with the one you are familiar with.

I had been successfully using ringout from Python for a month or two but it suddenly stopped working a few days ago, around Sept 1 or Aug 31 and now, magically, it is working again this morning.

I used the same code I always have, pretty much a copy of the code from the Python dev page, and I got a response of "InProgress" but my phone no longer rang. When I queried the call status a second time, a few seconds later, I got a status of "GenericError."

My bet is that something was broken on the server side, so I'd suggest trying it again today, since it seems to be back up and working for me.
