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Dial call to RingCentral number (not RingOut) via HTTP GET

  • 1 December 2017
  • 5 replies

I've been using the RingOut API described here to connect calls using a simple script. It works great for calls where the calling party is on a non-RingCentral number (a via RingOut) but it doesn't seem to work for connecting a call to a RingCentral number, for example if the caller is using the RingCentral soft phone app.

Is there a similar, simple API to connect a call from a RingCentral number to an outside number? Ideally something with a simple HTTP GET command like the RingOut API?

5 replies

As far as I can tell, there is only one ringout API available. Could you please post the error message?
You can make a direct call (not ringout) with the webrtc API:

But if your app is not running in browser, it is not a viable solution.
I'm not getting an error message when using the RingOut API.  It just fails to do anything. When I use the address below specifying an external number (like my cell phone) as the "from" number, the call connects. When I specify an RC number nothing happens.  (I've Xed out all the user and phone info)
It's not particularly surprising that the RingOut API isn't working for this, since I think the documentation states that it doesn't work for RC numbers. I'm looking for a way to start a direct call.

The webrtc API isn't an option for me. I'm doing this in a shell script. In this case, like this: 
curl -silent -o ~/.log.html "${number}&clid=1888XXXXXXX&prompt=1"  
Really all I want is a way to run a script locally on a Mac to start a phone call. If the RingCentral for Mac softphone app supported AppleScript I'd be able to do what I'm trying to do that way too, but it doesn't seem to.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
> Really all I want is a way to run a script locally on a Mac to start a phone call. 

That is easy. Run the following command:

open "rcmobile://call?number=123456789"

It will make the call in softphone.
Thanks! I had been looking for a way to do this with AppleScript, or failing that using something server side like the RingOut API, but this is much simpler.
