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Direct Message creation is not working if the email-ids have same username with different domains

  • 27 December 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi ,

We are using conversations API(POST to create the Direct message using Bot access token.

When the members having same username with different domains then RingCentral shows internal server error.

Payload :

{ "members": [ { "email": "" }, { "email": "" } ]}

Response from RingCentral :


"errors": [


"errorCode": "GLP-001",

"message": "Service internal error. Consult RC support."




Could you please help us to resolve this issue ?

2 replies

Can you please send us the Request and Response ( along with Response Headers) for investigation ? Please format the request and response bodies using the code formatting option (< >) on your comment.

Hi @vyshakhBabji ,

Here is the Resuest and Response:

API endpoint : POST

Request made through : POSTMAN

Token : Bot access Token

Request Body :

{"members":[{"email": ""},{"email": ""}]}

Response Body :

    "errors": [
            "errorCode": "GLP-001",
            "message": "Service internal error. Consult RC support."

Response Headers:

"Date":"Tue, 28 Dec 2021 04:45:39 GMT",
"Content-Type":"application/json; charset=utf-8",

Moreover we received a different kind of mail from RC for the user

Mail Content :

RingCentral account request
Someone you work with would like for you to join RingCentral. Your company admin controls new account setup, so we've sent them a separate email with the request.

No further action is needed from you at this point.

It seems both the users are in the same org and is not having RC account setup . We expect it should not restrict to create the DM. Please help us to resolve this issue.


