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Facing the issue in the completing the graduation requirement to move from sandbox to production

  • 8 January 2021
  • 3 replies

We are facing the issue in completing the graduation requirements due to the Read Call Recording permission, For completing the permission we have to execute the call recording API that is

in the URL recordingId is coming in the call Log URL i.e
But it has an empty record so in that case, we have an issue to complete graduation requirements, we are something in a deadlock situation
so please us to move sandbox to production

3 replies

Userlevel 2

What stops you from making a call to one of the sandbox numbers and record the call?

screenshot-from-2021-01-06-17-03-16.pngActually, we don't have recordingId that is used in the call recording API call i.e

that API is dependent on the call Log URL i.e

but we are getting an empty response in the call Log URL. it means there is no data in my test account

so how can we call this

API so that we can complete the graduation requirement that is related call recording permission

Userlevel 2

I looked at your sandbox account, you have no call records at all. You have not even made any call to and from your sandbox. What do you expect to get from the call log?
