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Faxing API token expiration

  • 18 June 2020
  • 1 reply

I'm creating faxing application in Java using Ring central Faxing API. I have some little things to clarify. As I have seen in my testing, Ring Central access token expiration time is one hour and refresh token expiration time is 7 days. So what i want to know is

1. I'm using the Java SDK and is there a documentation regarding it?

2. I need to know all the Message statuses and Read statuses for the sending faxes. Is there any place I could find those or else can someone give them to me via this post?

3. Whether we are able to change this default expiration times or not?

4. Since we are having a different set of access token and refresh token when we do a refresh, is the expiration time for the refresh token also extends to another 7 days from the refresh time

1 reply

Some quick link you can go through for getting all your answers:

Not sure you can change the default expiration token time, can try setting expiation time using: refresh_token_ttl=<second> parameter and access_token_ttl parameter (maximum of access_token is 3600)
