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Get company call statistics in sandbox

  • 4 September 2015
  • 8 replies

Is it possible that I can query my actual account in the sandbox mode, I'm trying to pull call stats as we want to develop a live call stat board for our sales agents.

In sandbox mode I can't actually pull any call stats as there are none!!

Any suggestions welcome



8 replies

I need the same.
We have the same problem - we wrote an application to pull what we need however it is stuck pending ringcentral approval to go to production.

Now for the good news - It has been stuck for 3 days so far and calling support they tell me - we just have to wait - They refused to give an ETA or help in any way - VERY DISAPPOINTING, starting to regret moving to RingCentral.
Hi James/ Claudio,

For now we do not provide any data migrations from production to sandbox due to privacy issues. But the easiest way would be to write a script to generate call log using Ringout api. Let the script run for few minutes to few hours with certain delays between each call and change to  and from numbers during the Ringout.

You could look at my code and make necessary changes or implement it in any programming language that you are familiar with:


For moving an app to production we need to keep track of your app for few days and make sure your app is running as expected. For this, we check frequency of your api calls  and we expect you to mimic the number of calls you make in production. 

We also need this data to make sure your app is not going to throttle or cause HTTP code 429  error (too many requests error). If that happens, we will ask you to fix it within sandbox environment. When everything is working as expected we move your app to production.  
Thanks so much for the feedback - this is very helpful and makes sense.
A good idea would be to remove the need for welcome emails on new accounts as this is labour intensive when you only need sample accounts
We will consider your suggestion @James
Hi VB,

I've similar problem - need to implement application which pulls detailed call log via RingCentral API so applied for production in order to have real data and cover all possible call-log record variations. But before qualifying for production RingCentral requested me to use sandbox in order to examine traffic beforehand. However there is no data in sandbox and also I don't have an idea how to emulate real call log records. I there  some simplified approach for application process in such cases? Or maybe you have some test tool which generates different call log types?

Thanks in advance!
