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Get full info about outbound sms via returned data from Webhook (message-store event subscription) and RC API

  • 13 February 2017
  • 2 replies

I have a subscription event working with the message-store filter.

I want to get the full info of outbound SMS. So when I send a sms from our number, I receive an event update object that tells me there are changes like this:

{ event: '/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/9999999999/message-store',


{ lastUpdated: '2015-11-16T18:52:15.013+0000',

changes: [ { newCount: 1, updatedCount: 0, type: 'SMS' } ],

extensionId: 133949004 },

uuid: 'dee9a9cc-4aff-4bed-a544-a18beaa959e3',

timestamp: '2015-11-16T18:52:25.895Z' }

From this message, I don't see a way to reference the new outbound SMS message via API. Do I need to get a whole page of the message store and pick the last [newCount] messages, or is there a cleaner way i.e. by id... ?

2 replies

I am trying to retreive the full sms info from ip by filtering it with timestamp, but there is an incoherence between timestamp from webhook and timpestamps from API, so when I
pass the timestamp or last modify from Webhook data, no record is returned by

(     [uuid] => 2551637673034818887-6529932958060832289     [event] => /restapi/v1.0/account/671930005/extension/671930005/message-store     [timestamp] => 2017-02-13T12:37:12.319Z     [subscriptionId] => b56a0ae7-96e5-4b40-9e4e-c78997f0d3f3     [body] => Array         (             [extensionId] => 671930005             [lastUpdated] => 2017-02-13T12:36:59.541+0000             [changes] => Array                 (                     [0] => Array                         (                             [type] => SMS                             [newCount] => 0                             [updatedCount] => 1                         )                  )          )      [user_info] => Array         (             [user_id] => 12345             [process_id] => 12345             [company_id] => 998         )  )


"records": [
      "uri": ";,
      "id": 2682475004,
      "to": [
          "phoneNumber": "+13234845184"
      "from": {       
"phoneNumber": "+16264932460"
      "type": "SMS",
      "creationTime": "2017-02-13T12:36:57.000Z",
      "readStatus": "Read",
      "priority": "Normal",
      "attachments": [
          "id": 2682475004,
          "uri": ";,
          "type": "Text",
          "contentType": "text/plain"
      "direction": "Outbound",
      "availability": "Alive",
      "subject": "Test SMS using a RingCentral Developer account - test",
      "messageStatus": "Delivered",
      "smsSendingAttemptsCount": 1,
      "conversationId": 7544107414282913435,
      "conversation": {
        "id": "7544107414282913435",
        "uri": "";
"lastModifiedTime": "2017-02-13T12:36:59.541Z"
UPDATE: Have you tried using the Instant SMS Notification Event Type
By subscribing to this type of event notification, your event notifications will contain data hydrated with the SMS itself: 

"event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/823476228762/message-store/instant?type=SMS",
"subscriptionId": "dc853541-66ac-45d8-a289-1a239fd72888",
"timestamp": "2013-06-14T12:00:00.000Z",
"body": {
"id" : "606090030016",
"to" : [ {
"phoneNumber" : "+16508974563",
"location" : "Moss Beach, CA",
} ],
"from" : {
"phoneNumber" : "+14157809227",
"name" : "Something New"
"type" : "SMS",
"creationTime" : "2016-02-22T17:01:00.000Z",
"lastModifiedTime" : "2016-02-22T17:01:00.000Z",
"readStatus" : "Unread",
"priority" : "Normal",
"attachments" : [ {
"id" : "606090030016",
"type" : "Text",
"contentType" : "text/plain"
} ],
"direction" : "Inbound",
"availability" : "Alive",
"subject" : "Hi there",
"messageStatus" : "Received",
"conversationId" : "7876416245344257449"

Currently, these records are created by different systems in our architecture respectively (AFAIK). I believe this is what is causing the timestamp differences (which I too have seen).

I have not been able to come up with a clean solution for this obstacle. I will contact our engineering team to determine if they have an alternative solution for this use case, or to get this issue on the product management team's radar.

If I discover an alternative solution, I will reply with it here as soon as possible.
