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Get profile image API doesn't fetch the image from the app

  • 15 April 2022
  • 3 replies


We are trying to fetch the profile image that our user has in the app using the readUserProfileImage API request. However, the api doesn't return the image.

If we upload an image through the createUserProfileImage API request we can then fetch the upload image but it is not the image we have set in the app.


Likewise if we use the updateUserProfileImage API request we can change the uploaded image but it still has no effect on the app image.


So it seems that the profile image through the API and the actual image in the app are not related.

Is there a way to get the app image of a user?

3 replies

Userlevel 2

Can you double check the user profile image with the RC Web app (not the native app)?

Userlevel 2

This is to confirm that the RC app does not use the user profile image uploaded/updated using the platform APIs. Right now, only the RingCentral soft phone gets the user image updated correctly.

This issue will be reported and hopefully the team can fix it soon.

Thank you @Phong.
Just to clarify, the issue is both ways. The API doesn't fetch the image from the RC app as well. This should be supported, right? Is this going to be fixed likewise?
