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Getting Call Log History

Using the following request url I can get the most recent 1000 calls from the call log. This is about 3 days of calls.

If I wanted to get call logs starting in January 2017 how would I go about doing that?

2 replies

Hi Nick,

Use the 'dateTo' and 'dateFrom' filters to set the staring and ending points for your call log request:

P.S. You can use only 'dateFrom', or only 'dateTo', or both.

Thanks for these responses!

Is there a parameter to sort the records?

For example, if I use dateFrom=2017-01-01 and dateTo=2017-01-31 and there are more then 1000 records I get the last 1000 starting from 2017-01-31. Is there a sort parameter so I could get the first 1000 records starting from 2017-01-01?
