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Getting "InsufficientPermissions" exception

  • 18 August 2019
  • 2 replies

I am trying to call API /restapi/v1.0/account/accountId/extension/extensionId/fax for send fax.

But I am getting exception:

"errorCode": "InsufficientPermissions",  
"message": "In order to call this API endpoint, application needs to have Faxes] permission"

2 replies

This is a permission issue happens when you call an API of an application that doesn't have that specific permission.

Check the following:

  • You are calling API of right application.
  • make sure that application you are calling have [Faxes] permission

This literally just happened to me with another application leveraging the [RingOut] permission. I'd mistakenly used an existing app in the sandbox that lacked that permission and saw the same error.

The fix is to:

  • Go into your account
  • Select the app you're trying to use
  • Click Settings in the list on the left-hand side
  • In the OAuth Settings towards the bottom, add the [Faxes] permission
  • Click Save

This worked to solve my immediate problem and might also help with yours.
