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Glip: Would like to add links to files from Google Team Drives

  • 19 March 2019
  • 2 replies

Why doesn't Glip have an integration with Google Team Drives, their team-oriented file storage product, but only with Google Drive, their personal product? We use Team Drives to store shared files in a tree structure because RC/Glip itself doesn't support tree structures. We'd still like to be able to reference these files from Glip.

Apparently this can easily be fixed by updating Glip to use Google's API v3 Picker > but is this something we can do ourselves? If not, could it move up the dev priorities, please?

[RC Office users]

2 replies

> Why doesn't Glip have an integration with Google Team Drives, their team-oriented file storage product, but only with Google Drive, their personal product?

Could you please let me know the integration you are currently using? I would like to have a try.
Thank you for taking an interest in this, Tyler. 'Google Drive' is the only integration in my list. My default browser is Firefox and some others prefer Chrome. No browser extensions are needed for attaching from My Drive to work but we cannot even see the Team Drives in the file picker dialog.
It appears that Glip's API Picker is out of date and v3 will allow us to pick files from Team Drives. Maybe the version used by Glip pre-dates Google Team Drives.
