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Google Chrome Extension

  • 23 May 2019
  • 1 reply

Hey all, I was wondering if there was anywhere I could see info about planned app/extension updates? I actually use BT Cloud Phone but have noticed the Chrome extension is lacking some of the features of the RingCentral version. Specifically I am after being able to pick up a call you have placed on hold from the mobile/desktop app using the a Chrome extension. It seems to be built into the RingCentral version but in the BT version you can only view the current calls. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Adam

1 reply

Hey Adam, I followed up with our Integrations team on this and they can't seem to replicate what you're experiencing. Could you make a recording of what you're seeing and email it to me at I'll share it with the Integrations team so that they can look into what's going on :)
